1.Fail More Often 更多的失敗
The more challenges you take on, the more failures you’ll have, but learning that you can recover, get up and push forward builds confidence.
2.Track your accomplishments 記錄你的成就
Keep a list of successes, big and small. It’ll help you to see your abilities in a more positive (andrealistic) light.
3.Don't compare 不要和別人比較
Stop measuring yourself against others. What you see isn’t always real. Making comparisons is adamaging and an inaccurate measure of success anyway.
4.Dress for confidence 人靠衣裝馬靠鞍
How we dress affects both how we feel about ourselves and the way others perceive us. Expensiveclothes aren’t necessary. Put emphasis on good fit, good condition, and appropriateness. Don’t beafraid of some color; black is professional, but color gets noticed.
5.Work on your posture 良好的姿態(tài)
People with lower confidence often tend to have poor posture. Stand up, sit up, and keep yourhead up. It’s an instant confidence booster.
6.Start a conversation 主動和別人攀談
When you find yourself in a social situation, instead of gravitating to those people you’recomfortable with, start a conversation with someone you don’t know very well. Eventually gettingto know new people will become easier.
7.Have miniature goals 小目標和大成功
Bite sized goals are easier and quicker to achieve and the momentum can give you a boost whenattacking bigger goals.
8.Raise your hand 毛遂自薦
Volunteer to take on tasks or projects that are a stretch for you. You’ll learn you can do morethan you thought you could and so will others.
9.Rely on your instincts 相信自己的直覺
When you trust your intuition, and listen to those gut feelings, you’ll become more confident inthe knowledge that you do know what’s right for you.
10.Keep practicing 不斷實踐
Practice the skills you need to succeed. The more you practice, the more confident you become. This is true of every type of skill.