沒有幾句炫酷的英語口語,怎么出去震撼小伙伴啊! 趕快跟春喜外語來看一看下面的25句炫酷的日常英語口語,你知道幾句呢?
1.沒什么了不起!: It is not a big deal!
2.慢慢來: Easy does it.
3.別逼我: Don’t push me.
4.有急事: It is urgent.
5.玩得很高興: have a good of it
6.胡說八道:totally nonsense
7.還沒睡呀?: Till up?
8.沒關系: It doesn’t make any differences.
9.別讓我失望: Don’t let me down.
10.上帝的安排: God works.
11.我看行: it will work
12.言歸正傳: Go down to business
13.不關我事: None of my business
14.不管用: It doesn’twork.
15.別生我氣: don’t take ill of me
16.過獎了: don’t flatter me.
17.我了個去:holy crap;
18.額滴神?。簅h my God;
19.我的天哪:Jesus Christ;
20.天曉得!:Who knows!
21.牛了B了:freaking awesome;
22.神馬東西:what the hell;
23.傻了吧唧:stupid ass;
24.閉嘴吧你:shut the fuck up;
25.臭不要臉:you've got such a nerve;