1. I can't place this song — do you know it? Hey, even if you know the tune, asking someone else about the music playing is a simple start.
我想不起來這首歌叫什么了——你知道嗎? 哪怕你知道答案,問對方這個問題能輕松的讓你們開始攀談。
2. What's the craziest thing you've ever done? For those who are ready to make a bold first impression, this is a question that gets attention and can lead to fun conversation.
3. What countries have you traveled to? Even if you haven't traveled the world, asking if others have encourages someone to share memories.
4. Do you have anything fun planned for the weekend? Make chatting easy by asking about future plans — without setting off a stalker vibe. Keep it light and share your plans too.
5. Have you ever met anyone famous? A brush with a famous person is always a thrill, making talking about it with a stranger a fun icebreaker.
你有碰到過名人嗎? 和名人擦身而過總令人興奮,和陌生人討論這個話題再適合不過。
6. If you could invite a famous person over for dinner, who would it be? Also an often-used convo starter, this question has lasted the test of time, which makes it a winner anywhere, anytime.
7. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Slightly personal without requiring too much info, asking others about their family is a smart way to make connections.
8. What movie are you dying to see? Jump in with a question that involves everyone and will get a group chatting over new releases.
9. If you could be an animal, what would you be and why? Just don't roar after asking! This question is also a fun and light way to break the ice.
10. If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? A bit more direct, but asking a specific question that requires thought can really make an impression.
11. What is one thing you couldn't live without? Wine? Chocolate? Bread? There's no wrong answer to this question, which makes it another winner.
12.Where did you grow up? This is a great icebreaker that gets someone talking about the past, which often puts others at ease.
13. Do you have any pets? People love their pets, and inquiring about them encourages further conversation. And, even if the person you're chatting with doesn't have any, it's still a good start.
14. How long have you been at your job? Even at a corporate event, asking others about their job titles, roles, and how long they have been at the company breaks the ice.
15. Where is the best place you have ever visited? Taking a vacation is always wonderful. Asking someone new about a favorite destination is always an easy way to start talking.
16. What's the first thing you do after work? Do you kick off your shoes? Hit the gym? Asking how people relax makes them feel relaxed.
17. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Not everyone gets to travel tons, making this a fun question for anyone.
18. Do you have a favorite local restaurant? This is a great conversation to get people talking about their favorite local hangouts, which puts everyone at ease.
19. If you were stranded on a deserted island and you could have only one item, what would it be? Yes, a classic one-liner, but this convo starter always gets a good answer.
20. What's your favorite book? Instead of asking what people are reading right now, which can be a bit too intimate, asking about a book they love can create a mutual connection.
你最喜歡的書是哪一本? 如果直接詢問對方正在閱讀的書,顯得太過親密。而問他們喜歡的書利于在彼此之間建立聯(lián)系。